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City of Grand Junction City Clerk's Office

250 North 5th Street Grand Junction, CO 81501


Application for Grand Junction Volunteer Boards

Commission on Arts and Culture

11 Member Board

3 Year Terms

Terms expire in February

All eleven members are appointed by the Grand Junction City Council.  At Least 5 members must have acknowledged accomplishment as either an amateur or professional in architecture, art criticism, art education, art history, choreography, dance, communicative arts, crafts, folk and ethnic arts, literature, media arts, music, opera, painting, photography, sculpture, theater or urban design.

The mission of the Commission on Arts and Culture is to enhance local arts and cultural opportunities and development, encourage cooperation and collaboration among arts organizations, provide information to area artists and arts agencies and establish community arts priorities.  The Commission meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Park Hospitality Suite.  Commission members cannot be an employee of any local arts or cultural organizations and must reside within city limits. 

Downtown Development Authority

9 Member Board

4 Year Terms

Terms Expire in June

The nine-member board is appointed by the Grand Junction City Council.  Eight members must be a resident, business lessee or own real property within the boundaries of the DDA.  One member shall be appointed from the City Council and is exempt from the above qualifications.

The DDA's primary purpose is to facilitate the reinvestment in and the redevelopment of downtown Grand Junction.  The function of the Board of Directors is to establish policy and direct the Authority in its efforts.  The meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m.

Downtown Grand Junction Business Improvement District

9 Member Board

4 Year Terms

Terms Expire in June

This nine-member board appointed by the Grand Junction City Council is the same as the DDA Board.  Each of the eight members must be a resident, business lessee or own real property within the boundaries of the BID.  One member shall be appointed from the City Council and is exempt from the above qualifications.  The meetings are monthly, the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 a.m. 


Forestry Board 

7 Member Board, with up to two alternates

3 Year Staggered Terms

Terms Expire in November

Three of the five members shall be selected from the following categories: a professional arborist, a nursery person, a landscape designer, a pesticide applicator and a representative of the Colorado State Forest Service, with no more than one member from each category.  The other two members may be lay persons. 

The Board acts as a reviewing body for the purpose of determining professional qualification and competence to engage in the business of cutting, trimming, pruning, spraying or removing trees by giving written, oral and practical license examinations.  The Board also makes recommendations to the City Council for the adoption of rules and regulations pertaining to the tree service business in the City, and it may hear complaints from citizens relating to the tree service business.  The board meets the 1st Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. A percentage of the membership must be involved in the industry.

Grand Junction Housing Authority

7 Member Board

5 Year Terms

Terms Expire in October

Members must be knowledgeable in the area of real estate for appointment.  Members are appointed by the City Council.  One member is a member of City Council.

The Housing Authority is charged with providing safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations as resources permit at rents which persons of low income can afford.  The Housing Authority meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m.


Grand Junction Regional Airport Authority

7 Member Board

4 Year Terms

City Appointed Terms Expire in May

Three members are appointed by the Grand Junction City Council, which includes one Council Member.  Three members are appointed by the Mesa County Commissioners and may include one Commissioner.  The 7th member is appointed by the other Board members with the concurrence of the City Council and County Commissioners.  The appointees shall be residents and taxpaying electors of Mesa County and the City of Grand Junction as defined by Colorado Law.

The Airport Authority is charged with setting policy and overseeing the operations of the Airport ensuring compliance with its Bylaws, the State of Colorado Public Airport Authority Law and FAA Regulations.  The Board meets at 11:30 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month with additional committee meetings as needed (workshops are held the first Tuesday). 

Historic Preservation Board

5 to 7 Member Board

4 Year Terms

Terms to Expire in December

The Board shall consist of five to seven members providing a balanced, community-wide representation.  If a five-member Board, then three members shall be professionals or have expertise in a preservation-related discipline, including, but not limited to: history, architecture, planning or archaeology.  One member shall be a member of the Downtown Development Authority Board or an employee of the DDA, and one member shall be a citizen at large.

The Historic Preservation Board will be responsible for the recommending designation of historic resources to City Council for listing on the City Register of Historic Sites, Structures and Districts.  The Board will also review proposed alterations to designated sites as necessary and generally promote historic preservation in the Grand Junction community.  The Board meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month as needed at 4:00 p.m. 

Horizon Drive Association Business Improvement District

7 Member Board

4 Year Terms (no more than 3 terms)

Terms Expire in April

Directors must be electors of the district.  Appointments are made by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction.

The function of the Horizon Drive Association Business Improvement District Board of Directors is to take such actions and perform such duties as are required of the operations of the District.  The district is allowed to make and contemplate a broad range of public improvements. Members must be a Horizon Drive boundary resident, employee, lessee or business/property owner.

The Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.

One Riverfront

11 Member Commission

3 Year Terms

Terms Expire in June

The eleven member board is appointed jointly by the Grand Junction City Council, Mesa County Commissioners, Fruita City Council and Palisade Board of Trustees.  A Grand Junction City Council member also serves on this commission as an ex-officio member. 

One Riverfront charged with planning, advocating and implementing a multifaceted program to redevelop and reclaim the riverfront within the City and County.  The members may also be required to meet informally for up to 5 hours per month in study sessions.  The meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every even month, at 5:30 p.m.

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

9 Member Board

3 Year Terms

Terms Expire in June

The nine-member board appointed by the City Council assists in the planning of recreation activities and helps to promote a long-range program for the development of the City's park system. Members must be a citizen of the City and serve three year terms. One member is a member of the City Council.

The Board meets the first Thursday of each month at 12 noon at The Hospitality Suite, 1307 North Avenue. In addition, the Chairman of the Board may schedule periodic study sessions to review special projects and various other items of concern to the Board and staff.

The Planning Commission

7 Member board and two alternates

4 Year Terms

Terms Expire in October

The Planning Commission makes decisions on certain planning and zoning-related issues and makes recommendations to the City Council on similar matters. The Commission holds public hearings on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Auditorium at 250 N. 5th St., Grand Junction, CO 81501. The Commission also holds workshops as needed.

The seven members of the Commission and two alternates are appointed by City Council and serve four year terms which expire in October. Members must be City residents.

3 member Board

3 Year Terms

Terms Expire in January

A non-profit corporation organized in 1996 to authroize the issuance of Certificates of Participation (COPs) for the Matchett property.  This committee meets annually in January.  The committee is made up of the City Manager and two citizen members.

The Urban Trails Committee

7 to 11 Members

3 Year Terms

Terms Expire in June

The board members are appointed by the City Council; members must either live or work within Grand Junction city limits.

The purpose of this board is to plan and promote the City Council's goals for an interconnected network of sidewalks, paths and routes for active transportation and recreation throughout the urbanized areas of Grand Junction.  The Urban Trails Committee will act in an advisory capacity to the Grand Junction City Council on matters pertaining to the safe, convenient and efficient movement of pedestrians and bicyclists of all ages. Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. 

Visit Grand Junction

9 Member Board

3-Year Staggered Terms

Terms Expire in December

Members are Appointed by City Council.

The mission of Visit Grand Junction is to market Grand Junction in external markets resulting in a positive economic impact of visitor dollars to the City of Grand Junction.  The Board advises Visit Grand Junction staff on policies and marketing directions.  Visit Grand Junction Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. for approximately 2 hours.  Additional meetings are scheduled as needed. Members must be city residents or owner of a business in Grand Junction or Mesa County of a business that is a key component of tourism in the Grand Valley.

Zoning Board of Appeals

3 Member Board

4 Year Terms

Terms Expire in October

The three voting members are appointed by the City Council.  One member is the Chairman of the Planning Commission and two members are alternates for the Planning Commission.  Members must be City residents and will be selected from the fields of: engineering, architecture, construction trades, and citizens-at-large.

The Board of Appeals hears and decides appeals of administrative decisions, appeals for variances of the bulk requirements and non-conforming uses, and requests for exceptions to the side or rear setback requirements pursuant to the Zoning and Development Code. 

Full Name

Home Residence Address

Is your mailing address different than your physical address?

Mailing Address (If different)

Are you an employee of any other local arts or cultural organization?

Commission members cannot be an employee of any other local arts or cultural organization.   

Are you a resident, business lessee, or own real property within the boundaries of the Downtown Development Authority?

Are you employed within the boundaries of the Downtown Development Authority?

Will your employer designate you to serve on the DDA/DGJBID as their representative?

This Volunteer Board requires that members be a city resident, business lessee or own real property within the boundaries of the Downtown Development Authority.

This Volunteer Board requires that members be a city resident, business lessee or own real property within the boundaries of the Downtown Development Authority.

Please upload a letter from your employer designating you to serve on this board.

Click Here to Upload

Are you a Ridges property owner within the original filings 1 through 6 and replats of those filings?

Members must be a Ridges property owner within the original filings 1 through 6 and replats of those filings. 

Do you live or work in the City Limits?

This Volunteer Board requires that members either live or work in the city limits of Grand Junction.

Is your residence within Mesa County?

This Volunteer Board requires that members are Mesa County residents.

Are you knowledgeable in the area of real estate?

Members of this Volunteer Board must be knowledgeable in the area of real estate for appointment. 

Are you an elector of the District?

Directors must be electors of the District. 

Employer Information

Business Address

Phone Numbers

Do you foresee any conflicts with the day/time of the regularly scheduled meetings or with the services required of the board for which you are applying?

Upload Cover Letter - Please do not use colors, tables and lines.

Click Here to Upload

Upload Resumè (optional) - Please do not use colors, tables and lines

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Sign Here

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Although we have indicated the best time to apply for each board, applications are accepted for all boards year-round.  We appreciate your interest in serving on a volunteer board.  Please call 970-244-1509 if you have any questions. 

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